SHC transfers 10 high-profile cases from Karachi to Sukkur

According to sources, the move was made over security concerns

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Sindh High Court. Photo: File 

KARACHI: Ten high-profile cases were transferred to Sukkur from the Karachi anti-terrorism court on Tuesday on orders of the Sindh High Court.

The cases that have been transferred to Sukkur include those pertaining to the Karachi airport attack of 2014, members of banned outfit Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and other important cases.

A notification from a member of the inspection team of Sindh High Court was received by the anti-terrorism court regarding the transfer.

According to sources, the cases have been moved to Sukkur over security concerns.

The Karachi airport incident took place in June 2014, when a brazen five-hour attack left many dead. The attack started when armed men disguised as police guards stormed the airport terminal after opening fire.

The attack was later claimed by the Pakistan Taliban, who said they wanted to take revenge for the army’s airstrikes along the Afghan border.

After the airport incident Operation Zarb-e-Azb was launched in North Waziristan Agency of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas. However, in order to retaliate, the insurgents carried out a brutal attack on the Army Public School in Peshawar, in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa that adjoins the tribal belt where the operation was launched. The school attack on December 16, 2014 left many schoolchildren and teachers dead.