Karachi honour killing: Report reveals couple not fed any intoxicant

A jirga ordered the electrocution of the couple after they were caught eloping

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KARACHI: The chemical examination report of the couple electrocuted in Karachi’s Ibrahim Hyderi reveals that the two were not fed any intoxicant before electrocution, putting to rest the speculation of the police.

The police had suspected that the couple were fed some intoxicant and then electrocuted.

The couple was caught by family members trying to elope from the city’s Ibrahim Haideri area on August 14. But police said the man´s family persuaded them to return home so they could be married.

Even though both the families had reached an agreement, a Jirga still gathered the next day, during which one elder, Sartaj Khan, insisted that the other members reject the families’ decision and instead pass an order to have the teenagers killed.

“They must die for the honour of the tribe and to serve as a lesson for our children,” Khan announced, according to an onlooker present that day.

On the Jirga’s orders, the father and uncle drugged the girl before killing her with electric shocks. The next day the boy’s father did the same and the bodies were buried secretly.

Nearly three months have passed, but there has been no progress in the case. Moreover, the prime accused is still at large.

According to the law enforcers, the prime accused has fled to his native town in Mohmand Agency - one of the seven federally administered tribal regions in the country.