Illustrated book chronicles Dr Adib Rizvi’s story

Oxford University Press has published the book to honour the SIUT founder


KARACHI: The life and times of the pioneer of organ transplant surgery in the country — Dr Adib-ul-Hassan Rizvi — have been drawn and written in a book recently published by the Oxford University Press.

Featuring his days as a young boy, the book tells readers that Dr Adib despised going to school but as he grew up he developed a great interest in anatomy and physiology — branches of biology that deal with human organs.

Turning the pages, the readers would also know what made kidney diseases and their treatment the fulcrum of Dr Adib’s focus.

It also talks about his family, which always nurtured the traits that helped Dr Adib grow up to become a person whose medical services to the people of the country are unparalleled.

The book has been written by written by Shahbano Bilgrami, an author and editor, while the illustrations have been made by Aftab Zafar.

Dr Adib and SIUT

The surgeon who is widely known and respected, is the founder of Sindh Institute of Urology of Transplantation (SIUT).

SIUT is a hospital that started off as an eight-bed surgery ward in Civil Hospital, Karachi in 1972. But Dr Adib’s care for the indigent patients at the ward and support of the administration resulted in the unit’s recognition as the Department of Urology and Transplantation in 1986.

Five years later, in 1992, the department became an institution and started functioning, offering free-of-charge medical services to people who can otherwise not afford treatment.

Skilled professionals at SIUT attend patients for services including major and minor surgeries, dialysis, transplants, radiology tests and laboratory investigations.