Tourists report rise in harassment incidents in Murree

Disgruntled tourists begin #BoycottMurree campaign on social media to protest against misbehaviour they allegedly faced from local guides

Web Desk

Murree, a popular mountain resort town nestled in Galyat region of northern Pakistan, may face a dip in its tourist population after a few disgruntled visitors alleged they faced harassment and assault at the hands of local guides.

The allegations have led to a #BoycottMurree campaign on social media, after videos of several such incidents faced by the tourists went viral.

According to some tourists, local guides and agents harassed them and their families but despite their complaints, the authorities did not take any action against the perpetrators.

A Twitter user posted pictures of banners calling for a boycott of Murree.

"A British born tourist got beaten up in Murree by local gangsters who were trying to harass his female family members, please take strict action & activate police to promote peaceful tourism in Murree," another user tweeted.

The tourists are not the only sufferers, apparently. Local shopkeepers and hotel owners in the scenic town have also complained of misbehaviour by some guides.

Hafiz Abid Abbasi, vice president of the local hotels association, said that despite repeated complaints lodged against the perpetrators, the local administration remains mute on the matter. He added that such incidents have been reported in five locations – all of which lie outside Murree.