Nawabshah man slits daughter-in-law's throat after grandsons discover illicit relations

Nawabshah man left his critically-injured daughter-in-law in the fields near the bodies of his grandsons

Web Desk

NAWABSHAH: A man stabbed his daughter-in-law and slit her throat on Thursday after his grandsons discovered his illicit relations with the now-deceased woman, police said.

According to officers at the B Section police station in Hyderabad, the man was identified as Veru, who confessed to stabbing his daughter-in-law. Veru was detained from near the crime site where he was hiding when police reached there to find the dead bodies of the two children with their throats slit across.

The bodies were recovered from bushes near the railway go-downs, from where the seriously-injured woman — with her throat brutally slit — was also found. She was admitted to the hospital in a critical condition.

The senior superintendent of police (SSP) for Sukkur, Tanveer Hussain Tunio, said Veru, the accused, confessed to the crime during questioning.

According to the police officer, Veru also explained that he had illicit relations with his daughter-in-law and, when his grandsons walked in on them in an inappropriate, compromising position, he killed the children using a knife nearby.

When the children's mother — Veru's daughter-in-law — protested against killing the boys, Veru slit her throat in an attempt to kill her as well, SSP Tunio added.

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