WATCH: Artist shocks internet with portrait of Neymar on face mask

With just a pair of scissors and his unique talent, Eduardi has impressed thousands of netizens

Web Desk
The timelapse video shows the artist cutting out Neymars face.— Screengrab via Instagram
The timelapse video shows the artist cutting out Neymar's face.— Screengrab via Instagram

A dedicated fan of Brazilian footballer Neymar has left the internet shocked with his incredible skills. The artist, Eduardi Tsokolakyan, who often posts videos of his artwork, shared a video of him cutting out a face mask into the face of the football star.

He uses paper or masks to cut and create portraits of celebrities. With just a pair of scissors and his unique talent, Eduardi has impressed thousands of netizens.

The timelapse video shows the artist cutting out Neymar's face. The caption on Instagram reads: "@neymarjr cut portrait."

The video has more than 10,000 likes and over 200,000 views on the social media platform. Edaurdi, who has 233k followers, invited many comments on his video.

"Out of all art... This is the best one cause I thought you could only make snowflakes like this," a user commented.

"I heard these masks are made from plastic so this will last forever! Great choice of canvas for your art," said another.

"That's Crazy how is that even possible? Nice work. how long did you practice?" said a third.

The talented artist has also created portraits of other stars like Christiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, Michael Jackson, Conor McGregor, and Brazilian politician Bolsonaro.

A few days ago, a Pakistani fan of Indian batter Virat Kohli drew his face in the sand and shocked many people on the internet. Instances of people using their artistic skills to express love for their favourite celebrities and share their talent with the world are becoming more and more common.