Woman tied to pole, beaten barbarically by former in-laws

Victim's husband died in a road accident four years ago

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Woman tied, beaten by in-laws in Rajkot India — TOI
Woman tied, beaten by in-laws in Rajkot India — TOI
  • Former in-laws tied Bhanu to pole, beat her up, and cut her hair.
  • Bhanu's husband died in a road accident four years ago.
  • The mother of four got remarried a year and a half ago.

A woman in Rajkot, India, was beaten barbarically by her former in-laws for urging them to take care of her four children after the death of her husband, who died in an accident, Times of India reported.

In response, the former in-laws tied the woman — Bhanu Sadhamiya — up to a pole, beat her, and cut her hair. The incident took place in Galgotdi village.

Bhanu was left with four children, including two sons and two daughters all between 6-12 years of age, after her husband's death. She got married to Kaya Sadhmiya one and a half years ago after.

The incident occurred when Bhanu went to her former in-laws' house to meet her former sister-in-law Ghugna Hikabhai. Sources told police that Bhanu wanted her former in-laws to take care of her children. She had visited them earlier too, but they were unwilling to pay for the children's care.

The police reported that seeing her, Ghugna lost her temper and asked why has she come to their house after getting remarried.

Things escalated when one of Ghugna's neighbours also came out and started meddling with Bhanu.

Soon, Ghugna's husband came out of the house with a wooden stick and the other neighbour tied Bhanu to a pole. Then, they beat her up with the stick until she nearly fainted.

The woman was dragged by her hair before another one of her former sisters-in-law cut her hair using scissors. The four kept beating her up until Bhanu's former mother-in-law came to rescue her. She informed Bhanu's father about the incident who then took her to a nearby hospital.

DSP Amreli division JP Bhandari told that all two of the perpetrators have been arrested, and the other two will be nabbed soon.