Juggun Kazim sheds light on her postpartum weight loss plans

Web Desk
March 15, 2021

Juggun Kazim opens up about her weight loss journey after weight loss

Juggun Kazim sheds light on her postpartum weight loss plans
Juggun Kazim sheds light on her postpartum weight loss plans

Pakistani star Juggun Kazim recently got candid about her post-pregnancy weight loss journey over on social media.

The star announced the news in a YouTube video and admitted she worked hard to lose the 88kg she gained during her pregnancy.

The star started off by saying, "Because I'm feeding, I'm following the 16-8 formula, which means I fast for 16 hours and eat in the eight-hour window. 10 o'clock in the morning I consume my first meal, and 6 pm is my last meal.”

"If guests need to come over, then I shift my time forward. I try that I eat by 2 pm then so I can consume my last meal at 10 pm when dinner is served."

In the video, the star even emphasized the importance of having a healthy breakfast and added, "If I get hungry again, I then have fruit salad — oranges, apples or guava so that my fruit intake is balanced and when lunch is served, I don't go all out on it."

"For lunch, I usually have a small cup of boiled brown rice — but basically, I have any salan (curry) at all. So whatever gravy is at home, I have that with its meat with either a vegetable salad (iceberg, tomato, lemon, capsicum, black pepper and salt) or lentils — or put in yogurt, and it tastes super yummy. Or I have soup,” but "I try to make my last meal high-protein.”


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