Drug dealer in Dadu awarded unusual punishment

Court has directed Amir Bhand to perform prayers five times a day and keep local mosque clean for a year

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Amir Bhand talks to Geo News 

DADU: A court in Dadu, Sindh has awarded an exceptional punishment to a man convicted of dealing drugs. 

Amir Bhand, who was convicted of possessing two kilogrammes of bhang [cannabis], has been deputed at the local mosque, where he will pray five times a day, keep the premises clean and hold the door open for visitors. 

Bhand will be set free after a year if he completes his tasks honestly, otherwise, the 'sentence' will continue for another two years.  

Talking to Geo News, the mosque's Peshimam (caretaker) Waseem Mallah, who has been directed to become the convict's guardian, said at present Bhand is only praying thrice a day but hopes he will soon read all five prayers. 

"This is the court's sentence, I am doing everything accordingly," said Bhand when asked to comment.     

Mallah will also be submitting an implementation report in the local police station every month, according to the court verdict.