This young woman from Karachi's Lyari turned a divorce into a career in pro boxing

“People tell me that I am too old (for sports), but I continue boxing,” says Summaiya Baloch

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KARACHI: A 24-year-old boxer from Lyari, Summaiya Baloch, narrated her inspirational story at the National Women’s Day 2020 event held in the city on Wednesday.

February 12 is celebrated as National Women’s Day, where women from every working sector of Pakistan are acknowledged on the basis of their accomplishments.

In her moving speech, Summaiya revealed that she comes from humble beginnings and that her parents had married her off at quite a young age.

“I also got divorced at a very young age,” she told the gathering, adding that it was at the time of her divorce that she decided to excel in her one passion in life: boxing.

Summaiya said her family supported her decision and she eventually got her foot in the door to the world of pro boxing.

“I did a number of jobs side by side to keep myself afloat and to show those who caused damage in my life [that I did not need them],” she said.

Summaiya said that despite the raging anger she felt for some people, she never stopped working hard. 

“I channelled that anger into hard work.”

She said that she continued with her boxing practice and fought several matches until she turned into an international boxer.

“I went to Dubai and participated in international games over there,” Summaiya said. 

She now coaches aspiring boxers as well.

Later, while speaking to, Summaiya said she wants to encourage young girls who want to become professional boxers.

“People tell me that I am too old (to participate in the sport), but I continue boxing,” she said.

Summaiya Baloch strikes a pose at the National Women’s Day 2020 event held in Karachi.

In her message, she urged girls to follow their dreams and work hard to become successful. 

Related: National Women’s Day 2020: Karachi event discusses measures to end gender-based violence