Watch: Vehari Police officers share Sehri, Iftar with protesters who assaulted them

Members of banned religious outfit express regret over subjecting Vehari police officers to assault

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Vehari Police has won hearts and minds by acting generously towards protesters of a banned outfit that clashed with them on the streets over the past couple of days. 

A proscribed organisation had staged violent protests across the country, leaving four police officers martyred and more than 600 injured across the country. 

However, Vehari Police treated the protesters in a generous manner by sharing food and drink with some of the protesters who were arrested, at Sehri and Iftar. 

The protesters were brought to the Police Lines Station in Vehari where they were seated at tables with police officers and offered food. 

It was a moving sight to see the same protesters, who had subjected the police to assault on the streets, sitting at one table with the same officials they had clashed with on the streets, sharing food and drink. 

The act of generosity moved the protesters, who seemed ashamed at their actions and regretted their decision to stage violent protests across the country. 

"Whatever we did was not right," said one of the protesters. 

"Our brothers who committed violence, committed a crime," said another. "They also pelted stones [and committed other violent acts] which was wrong."

A third said he would spread the message among his friends that without respecting police, the masses cannot be safe. 

Locals appreciated the step taken by Vehari Police, saying that they had set an example for all to follow and dispelled the impression that police in Pakistan subject prisoners to inhumane treatment.