Gen Faiz victimised Imran's ex-aides in bid to become army chief: Aleem

IPP Patron-in-Chief Tareen vows to make "Naya Pakistan" at Taxila public gathering

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IPP leaders Jahangir Tareen (left) and Aleem Khan (right) welcome Ghulam Sarwar to their party ranks at a public gathering in Taxila on November 9, 2023. — X/@istehkamPK
IPP leaders Jahangir Tareen (left) and Aleem Khan (right) welcome Ghulam Sarwar to their party ranks at a public gathering in Taxila on November 9, 2023. — X/@istehkamPK

  • Flase cases registerd against Tareen at Imran's behest: Aleem.
  • He says Farah actually making "Naya Pakistan" during PTI rule.
  • Tareen advises workers against using foul language.

TAXILA: Istihkam-e-Pakistan Party (IPP) President Aleem Khan has claimed that former spy chief Lt Gen (retd) Faiz Hamid vicitimised the now-IPP leaders during the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)-led government in a bid to become army chief.

Addressing a public rally in Punjab’s Taxila on Thursday, Aleem lashed out at PTI chief Imran Khan, saying that false cases were registered against his daughter and party’s patron-in-chief Jahangir Tareen during the PTI government.

Referring to the former first lady’s close friend, the IPPP president “Farah Gogi was actually making a Naya Pakistan” instead of Imran.

“Imran Khan is not sincere with his offspring. The one who is not even sincere with his children how can he be loyal to us,” he remarked.

Speaking about the former PM’s rhetoric of making Pakistan a Madinah-like state, Aleem said his wife Bushra Bibi was “filling coffers” while Imran was asking them to follow the principles of the state of Madinah.

He also criticised the PTI’s much-touted billion tree tsunami project, saying “billion trees leaves were eaten by goats”.

The IPP president also hailed Ghulam Sarwar Khan for quitting PTI to join the IPP, saying his joining gave impetus to his party.

Addressing the rally, IPP leader Tareen said their party will certainly make “Naya Pakistan”.

He said the IPP will give priority to the masses’ issues and they will think about their issues later.

“We must use our words wisely and must not speak ill of anyone,” Tareen remarked.

He also thanked Ghulam Sarwar Khan for joining the IPP.

Aleem along with Tareen, Khan’s former close aides, launched the IPP party in June this year after they both developed differences with the PTI chief.

Several PTI leaders including Fayyaz ul Hassan Chohan, Firdous Ashiq Awan, Murad Raas, Ghulam Sarwar Khan among others have joined the IPP since its launch on June 8 earlier this year.