Federal Urdu University imposes ban on student organisations

Varsity administration warns students of immediate cancellation of admissions over non-compliance

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Federal Urdu University imposes ban on student organisations
The Federal Urdu University of Arts, Sciences, and Technology. — Facebook/@fuuast.edu.pk

KARACHI: Federal Urdu University of Arts, Sciences & Technology (FUAAST) has imposed a ban on activities of student organisations, the interim registrar of the varsity announced on Wednesday, drawing condemnation from the affected parties.

Student organisations have been banned from organising any genre of educational and non-educational activities at the FUAAST, the notification read.

It added that those students who are found in non-compliance with the orders would face immediate cancellation of their admissions.

Federal Urdu University imposes ban on student organisations
— Reporter

Student organisations, including the Islami Jamiat-e-Talaba (IJT) and Peoples Student Federation (PSF), expressed concerns over the latest orders.

Basiq Nadeem, a spokesperson fro the IJT, strongly condemned the decision and said the move was a "misguided approach that fails to address the underlying issues within the university".

"Banning student representation is not a solution to the problems at hand. Student organisations serve as the voice of the student body, advocating for their rights and interests," he told Geo News.

"Instead of imposing a blanket ban, the university administration should focus on accountability and addressing the root causes of any disruptions or misconduct by identifying and taking action against the individuals responsible."

A PSF spokesperson condemned the move, terming it "undemocratic" and an "expression of dictatorial ideology" against those student organisations working for strengthening democracy, transparency and justice.

He demanded the varsity administration immediately withdraw the ban on student organisations, otherwise, PSF reserved the right to protest against the unjust decision.

Earlier in January, the University of Karachi had issued same instructions to ban students’ organisations following a fierce clash between two student groups on the varsity's premises.

It is pertinent to mention here that the Sindh Assembly had unanimously passed a bill to restore student unions across the educational institutions of the province in February 2022, however, their formation is yet to be seen.