Who is part of Mark Zuckerberg's advisory group on Meta's AI efforts?

Meta CEO assembles advisory group of four prominent executives whom he 'deeply respects'

Web Desk
Who is part of Mark Zuckerbergs advisory group on Metas AI efforts?
Mark Zuckerberg forms AI advisory group for Meta. — Reuters/Files

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has formed the Meta Advisory Group, consisting of four prominent executives, whom he "deeply respects", to provide strategic guidance on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and technology advancements.

The parent company of Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and Messenger, recently joined the AI chatbot race with its AI assistant, Meta AI.

The company's 40-year-old CEO has now formed a council, named the Meta Advisory Group, that will advise it on AI-related matters, Business Insider reported.

Who is part of Mark Zuckerberg's AI advisory group?

Zuckerberg has added four prominent executives to Meta's AI advisory group including:

  • Stripe Inc CEO and co-founder Patrick Collison
  • Former GitHub CEO Nat Friedman
  • Shopify Inc CEO Tobi Lütke
  • Charlie Songhurst, an investor and ex-Microsoft executive

Notably, none of these executives will receive compensation for their roles, a Meta spokesperson confirmed while talking to Bloomberg.

In a note to Meta employees, the tech billionaire wrote: "I've come to deeply respect this group of people and their achievements in their respective areas, and I’m grateful that they’re willing to share their perspectives with Meta at such an important time as we take on new opportunities with AI and the metaverse."

Unlike Meta's 11-person board of directors, the Meta Advisory Group members are chosen by the company.

They are also free of any fiduciary responsibilities so that they may focus on providing strategic insights and recommendations without the formal obligations of board membership.