India financing terrorism in Pakistan: FO

FO spokesman, commenting on recent statement of Modi as saying one single nation was spreading terrorism, said India was in fact that single nation

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ISLAMABAD: India is financing terrorism in Pakistan and open evidences are available on its involvement in subversive activities, Foreign Office said on Thursday.

Spokesman Nafees Zakaria commenting in his weekly news briefing in Islamabad on the recent statement of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi as saying that one single nation was spreading terrorism in South Asia, said India was in fact that single nation.

In an obvious reference to Islamabad Narendra Modi at the G20 forum had said that one single nation in South Asia is spreading agents of terror in countries of our region.

The spokesman at a weekly press briefing here said the confessional statement made by Indian Intelligence Agency (RAW)’s officer Kalbhushan Yadav had made it clear that which country was, in fact, spreading terrorism.

When asked if Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif will raise the issue of Kalbhushan Yadav at the upcoming UN General Assembly session, the spokesman said the issue of Indian involvement would definitely be highlighted.

The issue will be raised because of its direct links with incidents of terrorism in Pakistan, he said.

He expressed deep concern and anguish over the continuing atrocities and human rights violations by Indian forces in Occupied Kashmir.

Nafees Zakaria said that more than ninety-three Kashmiri youth and children have been martyred in the last fifty-two days and over ten thousand injured.

The spokesman said over seven hundred Kashmiris have lost their eyesight due to the firing of pellet guns by the Indian forces.

He said this is alarming statistics, adding that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in his latest call also highlighted these atrocities and human rights violations. 

He said the key message of Prime Minister's call was that silence on these atrocities is equally wrong and unjustified.

Nafees Zakaria said twenty-two Parliamentarians have started visiting various countries as Prime Minister's envoys to highlight barbarism and worst kind of human rights violations in Occupied Kashmir by Indian forces. 

He said Awais Leghari is in Geneva for this purpose and others will visit different capitals according to schedule.  He said these efforts will continue vigorously. He hoped that this reach out will be very effective.

He pointed out that Prime Minister's Special Assistant Tariq Fatemi is also visiting various capitals to muster support for Pakistan's membership of Nuclear Suppliers Group.  He is also availing the opportunities to highlight human rights violations in Occupied Kashmir by Indian forces.

To a question, Foreign Office Spokesman said Pakistan has always highlighted the Kashmir issue at United Nations General Assembly.  He said Prime Minister, this time, will also highlight the increased atrocities and human rights violations in Occupied Kashmir by India at the UNGA. 

Answering to question regarding hostile statements from Afghanistan, FO spokesman said these do not serve the purpose.  He said Pakistan and Afghanistan are neighbours and have historical linkages.  He said there is a need to promote harmony and strengthen relations between the two countries.

Replying a question regarding India's claim that UN resolutions on Kashmir have become inapplicable after Simla agreement, Nafees Zakaria said Simla Agreement cannot overrule the UN resolutions.  He said India violated UN resolutions and also Simla Agreement.

To a question about launching of Balochi language services by India, the spokesman said Indian is doing that to divert world attention from atrocities and human rights violations being perpetrated by Indian forces in Occupied Kashmir.

Answering a question, he deplored execution of Jamat-e-Islami leaders in Bangladesh through a flawed judicial process.  He said these are the violation of 1974 tripartite agreement signed between Pakistan, Bangladesh and India. 

He said the act of suppressing the opposition through flawed judicial process is also against the spirit of democracy.  He said also sympathised with the family of JI Bangladesh leader Mir Qausem Ali who was executed recently.

Nafees Zakaria said twenty-two Parliamentarians have started visiting various countries as Prime Minister's envoys to highlight barbarism and worst kind of human rights violations in Occupied Kashmir by Indian forces.