Pakistan denies India’s baseless allegations on IoK attack

Following the attack Indian Home Minister Rajnath Singh blamed Pakistan in a series of tweets

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NEW YORK: Pakistan on Monday denied India’s baseless and unconfirmed allegations regarding the attack in Indian occupied Kashmir.

On Sunday, suspected rebels attacked an Indian army brigade headquarters in Uri near the Line of Control with Pakistan. 17 soldiers were killed in the attack.  

Following the attack Indian Home Minister Rajnath Singh blamed Pakistan in a series of tweets.

Prime Minister’s Advisor on Foreign Affairs, Sartaj Aziz said it was regrettable that India had accused Pakistan of the attack prior to any investigation. He added that after the killing of Burhan Wani this was an attempt to divert attention from the human rights violations in occupied Kashmir.

According to Aziz, the situation in occupied Kashmir was a result of India’s illegal occupation and atrocities due to which over 100,000 people have been martyred. Aziz further said that not even children and the elderly were safe from the atrocities being committed by the Indian army in occupied Kashmir and in the last 73 days over 100 Kashmiris had been martyred and thousands injured.