Gone missing: Retired army officer disappears in Nepal

Lt Col (R) Muhammad Habib Zahir contacted his family last on April 6 from Lumbini, which is about six kilometres far from Indian border

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ISLAMABAD: A Pakistani retired army officer went missing during a visit to Nepal, it was revealed on Saturday.

The news was confirmed by spokesperson of Pakistan’s foreign office Nafees Zakariya, who also informed that the matter also been brought into the notice of Nepal’s government and Pakistani Embassy in Nepal.

Lieutenant Colonel (retd) Muhammad Habib Zahir went to Nepal looking for a job, according to his family. Zahir left for Nepal on April 5 and the next day reached the country’s capital, Kathmandu. Thereon he went to Lumbini, which is about six kilometres from the Indian border.

He contacted his family last on April 6 and after that he could not be reached, his family said.

Lt Col (retd) Zahir had retired from Pakistan Army in 2014. During his service, Zahir also worked with United Nation’s peace mission for two years. Zahir then joined a Pakistani food company and was currently looking for other job offers.

He was contacted by a man named Mark Thompson who offered him a job at an international company Start Solution Dot Biz. Thompson had called Zahir for an interview to Nepal.