PM Imran Khan featured on cover of Time's Davos special issue

The Pakistani prime minister was featured along with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, and ECB President Christine Lagarde

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Photo: Timemagazine

Prime Minister Imran Khan has been featured on Time Magazine’s cover page along with four other world leaders in the publication’s special edition on the World Economic Forum.

The annual summit of global movers and shakers kicks off in the Swiss resort of Davos on Tuesday and will last four days.

Other leaders alongside the Pakistani prime minister included founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Klaus Schwab, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, and Europe’s Central Bank President Christine Lagarde.

The magazine's cover featured the five leaders sitting on a chair lift with the snow-covered Swiss Alps in the background. US President Donald Trump and young climate activist Greta Thunberg can also be seen sitting together on another chairlift in the background of the illustration. 

PM Imran is expected to reach Davos, Switzerland on Tuesday for a three-day — January 21-23, 2019 — official visit to attend the Forum, with his trip costing a mere 68,000 dollars due to austerity measures taken by the government.

Also read: PM Imran’s Davos visit to cost less than Nawaz, Gilani's

PM Imran’s Advisor on Commerce Abdul Razak Dawood, Zulfi Bukhari and other officials will accompany him to Davos, where he is expected to hold meetings with several world leaders, including US President Trump.

Fifty-three heads of state are on the guest list, including Trump, who is expected to address the gathering on January 21.

During the visit, PM Imran will meet foreign investors and inform them of investment opportunities in Pakistan.

Read more: Five things to know about Davos

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the invitation-only event, which takes place in the Alpine resort town of Davos, amid tight security. Nearly 3,000 participants from 118 countries are expected to attend the event.