Former Pakistani foreign minister shares ‘strange’ theories about coronavirus

Hussain Haroon claims US, Europe and Israel behind the new pandemic in the world

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As WhatsApp forward messages and YouTube videos spread (mis)information about the spread of the novel coronavirus in the world, a former Pakistani foreign minister has shared some wild theories regarding how the virus emerged and who is 'behind' a pandemic which has killed thousands worldwide.

According to Abdullah Hussain Haroon, Pakistan's former ambassador to the United Nations, the virus is not natural and was created in a laboratory. 

Terming it a conspiracy, he said the virus was created as a step up to chemical warfare allegedly waged by the United States in Syria. He said the aim was to create a disease that would spark panic and fear among the people of the world.

“The patent for the virus was obtained by an American company Chiron from the US government in 2006. The second aspect of this is that in 2014, they sought a patent in Europe for its vaccine. The patent would have been granted in a few years, but it wasn’t granted till November 2019,” he claimed.

Read also: Is coronavirus a biochemical weapon manufactured in China or the US?

The former ambassador further claimed that the vaccine for the virus was being manufactured in Israel. “Israel has said it would share its patent only with those countries that recognize it as a country,” he alleged.

The former diplomat further said that the reason behind creating the virus was that the US had for many years been worried about China getting ahead and had tried many things to stop it but couldn’t, until now.

“The coronavirus was created in a lab in the UK and whose registry was in the US. From there it was sent to a lab in Wuhan via Air Canada. The lab in the UK was sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation while the John Hopkins and the Bloomberg School of Public Health in the US had made preparations to dispatch the virus to Wuhan,” he said.

Hussain also shared his belief that the reason behind the virus being named Covid-19 was because the virus was made with the permission of the Center for Disease Control in the US. 

Read also: Is Pakistan testing enough people for COVID-19?

“A computer simulation was run regarding this in 2019. The money for this was also given by the Gates foundation and even the World Economic Forum also gave monetary help to make this virus,” he added.

The former ambassador claimed that the US, after getting panicked, moved everything to Winnipeg in Canada where they have also detained a Chinese biologist.

The former ambassador added that Israel was the biggest beneficiary of the conspiracy since it was manufacturing the vaccine for the virus. 

Haroon read from what appeared to be a lengthy WhatsApp message as he shared his theories. 

It is not clear whether the video was shared in jest or if Haroon is in good health.