International community took Pakistan's dossier on Indian terrorism very seriously, says DG ISPR

Despite India's efforts, the matter is now being discussed at international forums and media

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RAWALPINDI: Director-General of Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Maj Gen Babar Iftikhar on Thursday said that the international community has taken Pakistan's proof of India's involvement in terrorist activities very seriously. 

During an exclusive interview with the Global Village Space (GVS), the DG ISPR highlighted the key points of the dossier that Pakistan recently prepared to prove India's involvement in terrorism across Pakistan. 

"The world is now talking about India's state-sponsored terrorism after the dossier was released," he said. "The international community has taken the matter very seriously."

Maj Gen Iftikhar said that despite Indian efforts to come clean, the matter is now being openly discussed at international forums and media.

"Pakistan presented the dossier at the UN to let the world know about India's activities in Pakistan. We will not stop here and will take this issue further across the globe," he stressed. 

He also shed light on the ongoing situation at the Line of Control (LoC) and the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

"India has been using the Afghan territory to launch terrorist activities in Pakistan. We keep talking to the Afghan leadership regarding the issue, but we do not blame them because we recognise Afghanistan's lack of capacity to deal with the problem," Gen Iftikhar said.

He added that India has repeatedly targeted local labourers and the Chinese manpower working at different CPEC projects.

"Pakistan is fully prepared to deal with these threats. We are tackling all the challenges," he assured.

The DG ISPR also informed GVS that the state has formed two special division forces to ensure the security of the CPEC projects, adding that nine regular regiments have already been deployed to look after the Corridor.

"Our Chinese partners are satisfied with the security arrangements," he said.

Answering a question about disinformation on social media, Maj Gen Iftikhar said that it has been a major challenge.

"The best way to handle [fake news disseminating] on social media is transparency, not leaving any information voids, and passing on credible information. That is exactly what we are doing," he said.

"[These social media tactics and disinformation campaign to malign Pakistan] is a major onslaught. It is a major part of the fifth-generation warfare against Pakistan and we are aware of that."

He said that in its fifth-generation warfare, India has been targeting Pakistan in the diplomatic, economic, and information domains, among others.

"Basically, India is trying to target Pakistan from different directions to slow down our progress as well as the trajectory that Pakistan has for the future," he said.

Last month, Pakistan released a detailed dossier containing evidence of India's involvement in terrorism being carried out in Pakistan. Commenting on the matter, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said that the country has collected "irrefutable facts that Pakistan will present before the nation and the international community through this dossier."

FM Qureshi explained that New Delhi has three objectives: derailing Pakistan’s journey towards peace, upending economic growth, and fostering political instability, details of which had been included in the dossier.

Read more: RAW paying terrorists Rs10m for each suicide attack in Pakistan: DG ISPR