'You’re going to push us to World War III', activist tells Canadian foreign minister

Activist Yves Engler interrupted Canadian foreign minister over NATO's inaction on Russian-Ukraine conflict

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Yves Engler gives a lecture on A propaganda system. -Screenshot from video/Canadian Dimension
Yves Engler gives a lecture on "A propaganda system". -Screenshot from video/Canadian Dimension

  • Yves Engler interrupted the Canadian Foreign Minister.
  • He said Canada was escalating the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
  • Engler is a political activist and an author.

Activist Yves Engler disrupted Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly's speech at the Montreal Council on Foreign Relations and shared the video of the confrontation on his Twitter feed.

He blamed the authorities in Ottawa for escalating and worsening the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

The leftist writer can be seen walking towards the stage, yelling, “Stop escalating the war. Stop sending arms to Ukraine… You’re going to push us to World War III.”

Canada, like other Western nations, has been supplying a lot of military equipment including rocket launchers and grenades to Ukraine. The author accused the authorities, warning them against World War III.

"Stop using Ukraine as a proxy against Russia,” Engler said and left before security could take him into custody, RT News reported.

Engler has written 12 books and staunchly supports the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign which protests against Israel's occupation of Palestine.