Wife pours hot water on husband for dreaming of another woman

Husband was asleep and was allegedly expressing his love to another woman in his sleep

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Representative image. — Unsplash/File
Representative image. — Unsplash/File  

  • Incident reportedly takes place in Bolivian city of La Paz.
  • Husband was asleep and was allegedly expressing his love to another woman in his sleep.
  • “I got angry when my husband showed love to another woman in his sleep," says woman.

A disturbing incident took place in Bolivia where a wife poured hot water on her sleeping husband's body while he was "dreaming of another woman".

The incident reportedly took place last week in the Bolivian city of La Paz. The woman has been arrested, according to The Oddity Central.

According to the wife, her 45-year-old husband was allegedly talking and expressing his love to another woman while he was sleeping.

“I got angry when my husband showed love to another woman in his sleep and I went to the kitchen and poured a pot full of boiling water on his body,” she said.

According to police sources, the hot water caused damage to the victim's arm, back, and other parts of the body, prompting him to be rushed to hospital.

On the other hand, it is not clear whether the victim himself reported the incident to the police after his wife spilt hot water or the news reached the neighbours through the sound of her screaming.

However, local authorities have launched an investigation into the matter.