Acquittals in corruption cases a mockery of legal system: Imran Khan

Imran Khan said it is a mockery of the judicial system of the country that the PDM leaders are being acquitted in the corruption cases

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Imran Khan addressing the partys leaders and workers in Peshawar on October 4, 2022. Twitter/ShibliFaraz
Imran Khan addressing the party's leaders and workers in Peshawar on October 4, 2022. Twitter/ShibliFaraz

  • Imran Khan says the PDM leaders are being acquitted in the cases of corruption. 
  • Says it is mockery of the country's justice system. 
  • Imran Khan also asked his party leaders and workers to prepare for the movement of the country's true freedom as he is going to give a call soon. 

Chairman PTI Imran Khan said he is going to give the call for what he called 'Haqiqi Azadi' [true freedom] long march any time. It is a disgrace to the country's justice system that the PDM leaders are being cleared in corruption cases, he said.

Addressing the party leaders and workers in Peshawar on Tuesday, he said that everyone must take part in the long march, considering it a form of Jihad. However, he didn't give a date for the event. 

Everyone must come out for their future because this is a turning point for the nation, he said.

"The country is being ruled by thieves who have been looting the national exchequer for 30 years."

The former prime minister said he had no grudge or dispute with anyone, including the Sharif and Zardari families. "I have taken a stand for the future of the nation," he said.

"In the past, the corrupt coterie got their thefts waived off after taking an NRO. They caused the national debt to skyrocket four times within ten years," Imran said, speaking about the leaders of the coalition government, who he termed the "imported government."

He told the party leaders that when the PTI formed the government, half of the money was spent on debt servicing.

The PTI Chairman said that the PDM leaders remained abroad and planned conspiracies, which led to the overthrow of the PTI government. They came to power on the pretext of inflation, but now they have unleashed a storm of inflation.

"It is clear that they [the incumbent government] don't care about the common man. They formed the government only to cover up their stolen money," he said.

In a joke with the country, he said, the PDM leaders, who he called 'cabals of crooks' are being exonerated of all corruption-related charges. Imran said they were registering fake cases against him to clear their way.