Anubhav Sinha addresses popularity of Bheed

Anubhav Sinha talks about Bheed and its popularity

Web Desk
Anubhav Sinha talks about Bheed and its popularity
Anubhav Sinha talks about Bheed and its popularity 

Anubhav Sinha says that while his new film Bheed has received a lot of positive reviews, he is surprised that there are very few people who went to cinema to watch it.

Talking about the responses, he said, "Sometimes you make a film which is rejected and you understand that even if it's a great film, people didn't connect with it. Over time you'll learn to live with it. Or you make a film where people love it and they go to the theatres and they see it."

He further added, "This film has received so much love and adulation and respect. People are writing pages on WhatsApp and on Facebook, more reviews than I have ever read. But there's nobody in the theatres. But it makes a slightly bizarre feeling. I'm half happy and half intrigued."

Bheed is out in cinemas and being highly appreciated.