Is Karachi airport closing due to Biparjoy?

"The flight schedules of the airlines may be disrupted due to bad weather," CAA spokesperson says

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An undate image of people standing at the Jinnah International Airport in Karachi to receive passengers. — AFP/File
An undate image of people standing at the Jinnah International Airport in Karachi to receive passengers. — AFP/File

KARACHI: As Biparjoy approaches the port city leaving the internet rife with rumours and misinformation, the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Wednesday denied the closure of the Jinnah International Airport.

The CAA spokesperson, while speaking to Geo News, clarified that airports adhere to safety protocols specified in the SOPs when there are unfavourable weather forecasts, while pilots receive regular updates on wind speed and weather conditions.

In uncertain circumstances, pilots make their own decision on the nearest suitable airport by considering ground and weather conditions. The CAA has already cautioned airlines and pilots to be careful in these situations.

"The flight schedules of the airlines may be disrupted during bad weather," the spokesperson clarified.

Rain forecast in Karachi

Earlier today, Climate Change Minister Sherry Rehman said that the Very Severe Cyclonic System (VSCS) Biparjoy will not directly hit Karachi, but will certainly hit Keti Bandar in the Thatta district.

The port city, however, is expected to receive 110mm of rainfall.

Meanwhile, Pakistan Meteorologist Department (PMD) Sindh Chief Meteorologist Sardar Sarfaraz said the storm's intensity had decreased somewhat assuring Karachi's safety.

"There is no dangerous situation in Karachi, the cyclone will exit from the city's south," he said.

Sarfaraz, moreover, added that the storm was heading toward the north while commenting on the cyclone's trajectory. "It will then move north-east, where it will hit or pass Keti Bandar and Indian Gujarat.".

The chief meteorologist also shared that there is a possibility of light to moderate rainfall in Karachi today; however, the city will probably receive heavy rainfall on Thursday and Friday.