Jane Seymour lets everyone in on secret to youthful glow

Jane Seymour revealed her secret behind a young look as she ages gracefully

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Jane Seymour lets everyone in on secret to youthful glow
Jane Seymour lets everyone in on secret to youthful glow

Jane Seymour just received praise for rejecting the norm of cosmetic procedures to appear youthful as she ages.

However, in an exclusive conversation with PEOPLE magazine for this week’s issue, she revealed the secret to maintaining a young and glowing appearance.

“The best facelift is a smile,” Seymour told the outlet adding, “If you want to look young, just smile from ear to ear.”

But, “to set the record straight — because people were getting it wrong — they attempted to do something to my under-eyes when I was 40 because photographers kept saying that I had bulgy eyes,” the now 73-year-old Harry Wild star revealed.

She continued, “The doctor told me it's actually a muscle, so there's nothing I can do about it.”

Additionally, the British actress also quipped that she’s had “quite a good career considering the bulgy eye” however she mentioned that she does not want to “do anything permanent.”

“I've been playing a lot of amazing roles, recently two women with Alzheimer's with very emotional scenes, and if you're going to be that emotional, you need every muscle in your face,” Jane Seymour added, explaining why she avoids synthetic procedures.