India refuses medical visas to Pakistani patients

India has not issued medical visas to Pakistani patients seeking treatment in India since the last two months


ISLAMABAD: India has not issued medical visas to Pakistani patients seeking treatment in India since the last two months, it was reported on Saturday.

The Indian government has made it difficult for Pakistani patients to seek treatment in India, which has affected thousands of Pakistani who suffer from liver, kidney and heart diseases.

Many Pakistani patients with liver, kidney and heart diseases travel to India every year for treatment. However, reports have emerged that these patients have continually being denied visas since last two months.

Indian High Commission did not give a satisfactory response when contacted.

Earlier, the Indian High Commission had denied visas to Pakistani wrestlers, who were going to represent Pakistan in the Asian Wrestling Championship, which will be held in India from May 10 to May 14.

The move comes in response to the escalating tensions between the two neighbouring countries following Pakistan announcing death sentence of Indian spy Kulbushan Jadhav.

Read more: Indian forces launch massive operation in Occupied Kashmir

The relations have also been strained due to ongoing Indian atrocities in occupied Kashmir. Pakistan has rejected Indian surgical strikes and continued to condemn killing of innocent Kashmirs by Indian forces in occupied Kashmir.