Man kills daughter in Bahawalnagar to marry neighbour’s niece

Ashraf accused the neighbour, his son of murder so that he could ask his niece’s hand in marriage as compensation

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BAHAWALNAGAR: A man reportedly killed his daughter to put the blame of murder on his neighbour to trap him after he refused to give his niece’s hand in marriage to him.

According to the police, Ashraf wanted to get married for the second time to the niece of his neighbour Maqsood. However, since Maqsood refused, Ashraf used his daughter to trap him and marry the woman he wanted to.

On May 19, Ashraf sent his wife to the market to buy milk and took his daughter to Maqsood’s house, with whom he shares a boundary. Ashraf murdered his daughter there with a sharp-edged object, police said. Immediately after committing the crime, Ashraf ran out in the street to raise a hue and cry, blaming Maqsood and his son Abu Sufyan of the murder.

Ashraf filed an FIR with the police stating Maqsood and Abu Sufyan killed his seven-year-old daughter over dispute on boundary wall.

However, when police arrested Ashraf over suspicion, he confessed to killing his own daughter expecting to get Maqsood’s niece’s hand in marriage as compensation of the murder in which he falsely implicated his neighbour.