Couple arrested for raping, filming minor girls

Videos of minor girls, thousands of nude photographs recovered from the suspects' custody

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RAWALPINDI: Police on Saturday arrested a couple for sexually assaulting minor girls and filming their explicit videos to blackmail them. 

According to City Police Officer (CPO) Muhammad Faisal Rana, the suspects, a man and his wife, confessed to raping as many as 45 minors and filming their heinous acts. 

Videos of 10 minor girls and thousands of nude photographs were recovered from the suspects' custody, he said, adding that the couple in question used to sell the explicit videos and photographs to pornography websites for a large sum of money.

The CPO further said the computer used by the suspects has been sent for forensic analysis to confirm the suspects' links with the websites where they uploaded the nude videos.

“There could be two motives: first, to blackmail the victims to get money; second, to supply videos of young girls to international sex traders and bloggers,” the CPO said, adding that the forensic examination of the computer would offer more information into the matter. 

Police officials further said the wife of the main accused assisted him in filming the trapped girls. The couple was tracked and arrested following a complaint lodged by a girl with the CPO Rawalpindi.

According to the police, the girl, who is a student of MSc, said in her statement that the couple lured her into their car and took her to a house where she was raped and filmed.

The girl, a few days earlier, was coming out of her college when a masked woman came to her and started talking to her. After introducing herself as a student at a local girls’ college, the two went for a walk before a car stopped near them and asked the two women to sit inside. The masked woman introduced the driver as her close relative and asked her to sit in the car.

As soon as the girl was inside the car, black curtains were drawn and the car was taken to a villa located in Gulistan Colony, where the accused raped her on gunpoint, while his wife filmed.

The victim approached the CPO, who ordered immediate arrest of the suspects. Different teams were constituted to arrest the couple.

Authorities also seized the car and phone used to film the victims, along with other evidence from the house which was sent to Punjab Forensic Science Agency.