PTI leaders slam Sindh govt over coronavirus measures

Because of the Sindh government’s incompetence the number of cases are rising, says Faisal Vawda

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(L-R) Federal Minister for Maritime Affairs Syed Ali Haider Zaidi, Firdous Shamim Naqvi and Federal Minister for Water Resources Faisal Vawda. 

Federal Minister for Water Resources Faisal Vawda has lashed out at the Sindh government after more cases were reported in the province on Sunday.

“Because of the Sindh government’s incompetence, the number of cases is rising,” Vawda said while addressing a press conference in Karachi. “The Sindh government needs to see what is happening in Hyderabad, Larkana and Jacobabad.”

Criticising the provincial government over its move to seal 12 union councils in the metropolis, the federal minister said, “How can the government seal 12 UCs? People will come out on the streets.”

Read also: Parts of Karachi sealed to curb coronavirus spread

He added the government had failed to implement the lockdown. “I don’t want to engage in politicking at such a time, but I had no choice. I assure the residents of Karachi that the PTI stands with them.”

“Where is the Rs2 billion that was given to help the people? The people are dying of hunger,” he added.

The federal minister’s remarks come as the number of cases in the province rose to 1,411 with two new deaths.

Earlier, Minister for Maritime Affairs Ali Zaidi had slammed the PPP over its lax attitude towards the province's health sector.

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Talking to the media alongside Leader of Opposition in Sindh Assembly Firdous Shamim Naqvi, the minister said that after the 18th Amendment health is the responsibility of provincial governments.

“No ventilator is available in hospitals in upper Sindh and only two isolation centres are established.”

Zaidi said Sindh lags far behind in health facilities if compared to other provinces. “PPP could have established a state-of-the-art hospital for the people of the upper region," he said.

Factories which could implement guidelines should be allowed to work, said Naqvi. “The government is taking decisions without homework and then takes them back.”

“Industries are open in US and Europe,” the PTI leader said.

He asked Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah to tell the country how many people have died because of the closure of OPDs in the province.