Pakistan 'back on track' to becoming nation guided by Riyasat-i-Madina principles: PM Imran Khan

Country 'back on track' by bringing powerful under rule of law and creating Panahgahs and health cards, says premier

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Prime Minister Imran Khan. — PM's Instagram/File
  • PM Imran Khan says Muslims were the "greatest civilisation" but let go of guiding principles and as a result they saw decay and decline.
  • Says Pakistan was "unable to achieve our great potential because we lost sight of our Quaid's vision" which was modelled after Madina.
  • Says Pakistan "back on track" to follow the principles of the welfare state of Madina by bringing powerful under rule of law and serving the needs of the underprivileged.

Prime Minister Imran Khan on Tuesday said that Pakistan is now "back on track" to becoming a nation guided by the principles that the welfare state of Madina followed.

"Fifteen centuries ago our Holy Prophet (PBUH) set up the first welfare state in Madina: based on rule of law, meritocracy, compassion and tolerance; and where quest for knowledge was made a sacred duty," wrote the premier, in a message for the nation on Pakistan Day.

He said that in a couple of decades Muslims went on to become the "greatest civilisation", a position they held for the "next few centuries".

The premier said that when Muslims let go of these guiding principles, "their civilisation decayed and declined".

He said then came along Quaid-e-Azam who "gave us the dream for Pakistan" which he based on the vision of the poet Iqbal — a vision which was based on these very principles of Riyasat-i-Madina.

"So far we have been unable to achieve our great potential because we lost sight of our Quaid's vision," said the premier.

He said that today, however, Pakistan is "back on track to realise that ideal by bringing the powerful under rule of law and setting up a welfare state with our programmes of Ehsas, Panahgahs and health cards."

President Alvi calls for a tolerant nation

Earlier, the president, in his message, reaffirmed the resolve to make Pakistan an economically stronger and prosperous country, one that is more inclusive and tolerant to minorities.

He urged the people to remember the Kashmiri brethren, who are being subjected to the worst form of repression and state-sponsored terrorism.

President Alvi said the key to durable peace in South Asia is the resolution of the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions.

He also paid tribute to the health workers who have selflessly served the nation during the COVID-19 pandemic.