North Waziristan: Men hurl grenade at girls' school during grade-12 exam

"The blast was a sign that girls should not be educated here," says tribal elder

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A man holding a grenade. — Reuters/File
A man holding a grenade. — Reuters/File

  • A government school was attacked in N Waziristan's Haier Khel area.
  • No casualty reported from grenade attack on school, says police.
  • "Blast's a sign that girls should not be educated here," says tribal elder.

Unidentified men on Monday hurled a grenade at a school in North Waziristan at a time when female students of grade 12 were attempting their annual examination, police said.

The law enforcement agency said no casualties were reported, and following the attack, police personnel reached the site and started an investigation.

Talking to Geo News, DPO North Waziristan Shafiullah Gandapur said that unidentified extremists threw the grenade at the empty security post above a government school in Haider Khel to cause panic.

"This was an attempt to disturb the law and order situation of the area [....] an investigation into the attack is underway, and no one will be allowed to disturb the peace here," he said.

The DPO said he was hopeful to get "results" soon.

Malik Gul Saleh Jan, a Haider Khel tribal leader, said Government Girls High School Haider Khel is the only girls' high school in Mirali Tehsil where girls come from far and wide for education.

"The blast was a sign that girls should not be educated here," he added.