Can PM cling back to power if no-trust motion is passed?

There is some speculation in the political circles that if PM is voted out, he can be elected back in to office

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Pakistans prime minister, Imran Khan, speaks during an interview with Reuters in Islamabad, Pakistan June 4, 2021. — Reuters/File
Pakistan's prime minister, Imran Khan, speaks during an interview with Reuters in Islamabad, Pakistan June 4, 2021. — Reuters/File

If the vote of no-confidence is passed in the National Assembly, and Prime Minister Imran Khan dislodged from his seat, is there a way for him to cling back to power, and that too immediately?

There is some speculation in political circles and social media that if the prime minister is voted out, he can quickly contest the election for premiership and be elected back in to office.

Is that an option the ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) is exploring? explains the possibility of such a drastic move: