Another PTI member apologises for running fake account, anti-army propaganda

Dr Zulqarnain is a PTI member and a resident of Bahawalpur

Web Desk

A week after an former office bearer of PTI student wing, Muhammad Muneeb Kiyani, confessed that he ran a smear campaign on social media against Pakistan Army, another member of the party has admitted that he was also invovled in running a fake account on social media with the name of Umm Hareem.

Dr Zulqarnain is a PTI member and a resident of Bahawalpur.

In a video message, Dr Zulqarnain apologised for his anti-army remarks and stated that he had spread hateful propaganda at the request of his political party. 

He also confessed for being influenced by Imran Khan's made up story, and he advised people not to believe anti-national lies told by fraudulent leaders.

Ex-PTI office bearer admits running smear campaign against army

Last week, an ex-office bearer of the PTI's student branch, Muhammad Muneeb Kiyani, disclosed in his video confessional statement that he ran a smear campaign on social media against Pakistan army soldiers.

He stated that he is ashamed and apologetic for what he did and that he did it because of the influence of "certain people".

Muneeb Kiyani stated that he was the senior deputy convener of the Insaf Union Federation (ISF). He stated that he sent out two tweets on claimed that the first tweet was created by him, while the second was simply a copy-paste.

He stated the information for the former was picked from the pages Soldier Speak, Uzma Khan PTI, Sabeena Kiyani, and Imran Riaz Khan.

He said that the error he made was due to the influence of "certain people," admitting "there was no truth in the tweets I generated and it was a big mistake. I also did not verify them.”

Army condemns social media propaganda

The military has condemned the social media campaign run against the armed forces following the helicopter crash in Balochistan.

Speaking to Geo News, Director-General of Inter-Services Public Relations Major General Babar Iftikhar said: “We have been distressed since the accident on August 1. The propaganda has caused immense pain, particularly to the families of the martyrs."

Emphasising that this should not happen, General Babar said that elements spreading negative propaganda and rumours should be rejected.

“Insensitive behaviour is unacceptable and should be condemned on every platform,” he asserted, adding that the Pakistan Army is grateful for the nation which stands by them and the martyrs.