Prince Harry, Meghan Markle taking people down memory lane

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are seemingly taking the world down memory lane

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Prince Harry, Meghan Markle taking people down memory lane

Experts believe Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are starting to take the world down memory lane with their trip to Nigeria, given how reminiscent it is of 2019, before hand sanitizer and before Megxit.

Everything has been issued by royal commentator Daniela Elser.

She weighed in on things during one of her most recent pieces for

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle taking people down memory lane

In that piece she touched on the couple’s Nigeria tour and said, “This month has seen Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex fly to Nigeria for their first overseas tour since departing the palace way back when.”

“In 72 hours, they came, they saw and they hugged. There were schoolchildren, veterans, charity meetings, posing with a variety of government bigwigs and enough outfit changes to sate the cottage industry built around chronicling Meghan’s incredible style.”

To the point that, “if you squinted you could almost imagine it was 2019, a time when hand sanitiser was only for they hypochondriacally-inclined and the duke and duchess still swore fealty to Crown Inc and Duchy Organic biscuits.” (Sic)

“Except of course,” though the expert noted. “It’s not and the Sussexes are two people who currently have all the official status of Lifestyle Channel presenters and whose HRHs are currently being stored in the cavernous Clarence House attics.”