Prince William, Prince Harry unable to carry on mom Diana's legacy

Princess Diana would have resolved Prince Harry’s rift with King Charles, Prince William, butler

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Prince William, Prince Harry unable to carry on mom Dianas legacy
Prince William, Prince Harry unable to carry on mom Diana’s legacy

Prince William and Prince Harry have failed to carry on the legacy of their late mother Princess Diana, claimed her former butler, Paul Burrell.

Speaking with Bella, Burrell said he believes the late royal would have played a crucial role in resolving the ongoing feud between Harry, William and King Charles.

He said Diana would have encouraged Harry to apologize to Charles and would have acted as a peacemaker to mend their relationship.

"There’s no love lost between Diana and Charles, but what was important to Diana is that both boys should have been influenced by both parents and she would have wanted them to respect their father," he said.

The butler added, “She would have made Harry apologize to Charles, and Diana would have been the broker of that — she was always the peacemaker."

“She wanted the four of them to stay together. It broke her heart when that disintegrated," he continued. "The boys would have been glued to their mother and her word would have been final.”

“Now there is nobody to sort them out, I'm afraid it's a lost cause," Burrell concluded.