Prince William to bring Prince Philip's 'rod of iron' for Prince Harry

Prince William becomes Prince Philip to discipline Prince Harry

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Prince William to bring Prince Philips rod of iron for Prince Harry
Prince William to bring Prince Philip's 'rod of iron' for Prince Harry

Prince William is seemingly channeling his inner Prince Philip in resolving conflict with Prince Harry.

The Prince of Wales is taking a page from grandfather’s book as he sets to discipline his younger brother.

A source tells Daily Beast: "There is a sense that William has stepped into the Prince Philip role. Philip ruled the family with a rod of iron and you saw when he died that discipline collapsed. Now William is calling the shots when it comes to family discipline."

This comes as the Royal Family prepares for summer holidays in Balmoral.

Jennie Bond, the former BBC Royal correspondent, told OK! : "It's been one heck of a year for the Royal Family so far and nothing would please the King more than to have his close family gathered together in the peace of Balmoral for a time to take stock together, mark the passing of an incredibly difficult few months and look to the future."

She continued: "Like Catherine herself has said, cancer treatment brings with it a large measure of uncertainty and that must extend to whether she is able to spend part of the summer holidays at Balmoral. If she does go, I'm sure the whole family will want to surround her with love, support and renewed strength. She, meanwhile, will want to make the summer months as fun and carefree for the children as she possibly can after everything she's been through."