Ashley Judd, other Hollywood stars react to Harvey Weinstein conviction

Hollywood Monday has reacted to Harvey Weinstein's conviction in the landmark #metoo trial

Web Desk

Hollywood Monday reacted to Harvey Weinstein's conviction in the landmark #metoo trial as many celebrities were at the forefront of the former movie producer's trial.

The former Hollywood producer has been found guilty of a criminal sexual act for assaulting production assistant Mimi Haleyi at his apartment in 2006 and third-degree rape of Jessica Mann in 2013. He will remain in custody until his sentencing on March 11.

Ashley Judd is one of the Silence Breakers who came forward to report Weinstein's sexual misconduct.

"For the women who testified in this case, and walked through traumatic hell, you did a public service to girls and women everywhere, thank you," Judd tweeted.

Arquette is one of the more than 80 women who have accused Weinstein of sexual misconduct, also expressed her gratitude to the women who testified. (Weinstein has repeatedly denied all allegations of non-consensual sex.)

"Gratitude to the brave women who've testified and to the jury for seeing through the dirty tactics of the defense. We will change the laws in the future so that rape victims are heard and not discredited and so that it's easier for people to report their rapes," Arquette wrote in a tweet.

Rose McGowan

McGowan was one of Weinstein's most vocal accusers.

"Today is a powerful day & a huge step forward in our collective healing," she wrote in a tweet.

Elizabeth Banks

Banks, a director, producer and actress, celebrated the verdict.

"I am heartened for his victims and for all those who said #metoo and #TimesUp that some justice has been done," she tweeted.