Pakistanis react to death penalty verdict for Zahir Jaffer in Noor Mukadam murder case

A local court in Islamabad sentenced Zahir Jaffer to death for the murder of Noor Mukadam

Web Desk
Court in Islamabad sentenced Zahir Jaffer to death for the murder of Noor Mukadam. Photo: Twitter
Court in Islamabad sentenced Zahir Jaffer to death for the murder of Noor Mukadam. Photo: Twitter

After a local court in Islamabad sentenced Zahir Jaffer to death for the murder of Noor Mukadam, people flooded social media with messages of support for the judgement, which came after a four-month-long trial.

The verdict was announced by district and sessions court judge Justice Atta Rabbani. Co-accused Jan Muhammad and Iftikhar, the gardener and security guard at Zahir's house, have been sentenced to 10 years in prison each.

Here is how social media users are reacting:

Justice for Noor has been served in this world, says actress Mahira Khan.

“Finally justice prevailed” said PML-N member Hina Pervez Butt taking to her Twitter. 

Mabrook, Noor. We’ve crossed the first bridge” said one Twitter user, hoping that if "Zahir appeals in higher courts, he meet the same fate."

“At least 2 more stages until Justice is served,” said journalist Anas Mallick in a tweet, stating that Zahir Jaffer can challenge the verdict in upper court in 30 days and if mentally unstable, he cannot be hanged per law.

“Justice served” said Komal Shahid, a Twitter user adding that she "hope[s] they [parents of Noor Mukadam] find a little peace knowing their daughter’s killer isn’t roaming around freely.

“Finally Justice prevailed,” said Pakistan Peoples Party’s member Naz Baloch stating that “Lots of respect for the courageous parents of #NoorMuqaddam who fought for their innocent daughter until the murderer #ZahirJaffar sentenced for the heinous crime.”

While being critical of the justice system in Pakistan, Gulalai Ismail, a Twitter user, said “May this be the beginning of the transformation of the Pakistani justice system which is in the shackles of patriarchy.”