Girls return to Diamir school burnt by miscreants

Students are thrilled to return to school and resume studies

Web Desk

  • School was torched by miscreants a few days ago.
  • Education department's parliamentary secretary inaugurated new building.
  • School is equipped with computer lab and library.

DIAMIR: A girls middle school in Gilgit-Baltistan district Diamir's Darel valley, which was burnt down a few days ago by miscreants, has been restored and reopened to welcome schoolgirls back to their classrooms on Tuesday.

Suriya Zaman, the parliamentary secretary of the education department, inaugurated the school, while commissioner Diamer, deputy commissioner Chilas, and assistant commissioner Darel were also present during the ceremony.

After reconstruction, the school's structure presents a picture of a model institute and has been equipped with a computer lab as well as a library.

The students, following the opening of the school, were thrilled to return to their school and resume studies.

It is reported that more schoolgirls have joined classes in the new structure to give a message to the culprits, who torched their school, that they will continue to seek knowledge and not retreat to exercise their fundamental right.