Silent Rage — photographic book and exhibition by Arif Mahmood

The solo show will continue till 24th January 2017

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KARACHI: Renowned photographer Arif Mahmood launches his new book with an exhibition at Chawkandi Art gallery.

Often associated with street photography, Silent Rage is another poetic series of photographs by the Karachi-born artist.

The book is a photographic representation of the inhabitants of Karachi and their environment with mostly dark, dimly lit scenes. At times with blurry and in some instances with defiant and daring in your face haunting images, Mahmood captures the reality of what life is in the city of Karachi.

Taken through cracks, spaces, as he moves around the city the compilation is an expression of the Mahmood’s distinct composition, framework, and lighting who likes to work in black and white.

With a career spanning nearly three decades, the compilation is a very personal one and fourth in a series of books by Arif Mahmood. Including his works from 2007 to 2015, the book and its imagery indirectly take inspiration from the demise of his Mother says the celebrated photographer talking about Silent Rage.

The works featured are an attempt to embody the resilience of Karachi and its inhabitants despite all it endures in terms of the impermanence of life, concludes the photographer who has spent years documenting street life.

Opening with the launch of ‘Silent Rage’, the photographic exhibition at Chawkandi includes thirty powerful images from the latest compilation by Arif Mahmood.

The solo show will continue till 24th January 2017.