Industry rivals 'enjoy' Jennifer Lopez downfall

Sources say a few big names in the showbiz world are happy about Jennifer Lopez's woes

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Industry rivals enjoy Jennifer Lopez downfall
Industry rivals 'enjoy' Jennifer Lopez downfall 

Some of the top names of entertainment industry like Madonna, Lady Gaga and Mariah Carey are reportedly enjoying the alleged decline of Jennifer Lopez.

Her music career is in bad shape overall, and coupled with this, the Hustlers actress reported that marriage woes are making her life uneasy.

On a lacklustre response to her forthcoming tour, Jennifer was forced to cancel several dates of the show, according to reports.

Her team even tried to change the name to This Is Me… Live: The Greatest Hits to attract attention, but the ticket sales remained low.

"It's no secret that Mariah can't stand J. Lo, they've had a feud going back more than twenty years, so of course she's thrilled to see her ticket sales in the toilet," an insider told In Touch.

The source added, "Mariah is never shy about trash talking J. Lo and always complains about how overrated and phony she is. She's happy the public is finally seeing it too."

Another massive star, sources say was against Jen was Madonna. "She is in the same boat, she's got zero respect for J. Lo as a singer and has never forgiven her for trash talking her acting skills in an interview she gave 30 years ago."

It was a reference to a Rebound singer interview with Movieline in 1988, in which she hit out at the Grammy winner's acting skills, but she later said it was a joke.

"Do I think she's a great actress? No. Acting is what I do, so I'm harder on people when they say, 'Oh, I can do that. I can act. I'm like, 'Hey, don't ​spit on my craft,'" she said.

"Madonna actually considered J. Lo a friend before she showed her true colors with that interview, so it hurt all that much more, and she is not one to forgive and forget," the bird chirped.

Lady Gaga, insiders add, similarly did not like Jennifer explaining, "Lady Gaga isn't a J. Lo fan either. She doesn't feel threatened by her, but things have always been catty between them so she's enjoying her fall from grace."