Osman Khalid Butt tells Twitter family a 'sweet story'

Actor shares story about his cat named Frodo that left fans and followers emotional

Web Desk
Pakistani actor Osman Khalid Butt. — Twitter/@aClockworkObi
Pakistani actor Osman Khalid Butt. — Twitter/@aClockworkObi

Pakistani actor Osman Khalid Butt shared a story about his cat with his Twitter family that left his fans and followers emotional. They said it made their day.

Starting his story with a little background, Osman said that he had been shooting in Karachi for a while and had to leave his cat — named Frodo — in Islamabad where he resides.

The Balu Mahi actor said that when he'd be back in Islamabad for short breaks, he would notice Frodo being distant and when he last visited home, Frodo wouldn't recognise his voice.

Osman, who was shooting for comedy series Kala Doriya, said that when he came back he tried playing with his cat but he always met with a "cross expression" and Frodo wouldn't stay in his lap for more than ten seconds.

The actor expressed how he missed his cat visiting him late at night and being playful with him.

"Last night, I was lying in bed when he jumped up, completely unprompted, and started cuddling with me. This went on for a good 15 minutes, with him purring and my serotonin levels through the roof," he said.

Sharing a picture with his cat, Osman said that it was hard for him to explain how those fifteen minutes uplifted him. 

Social media users got emotional after reading the story. Let's look at what they said: