Prince William was ‘glum’ he had no ‘autonomy’ as he married Kate Middleton

Prince William was upset he had no say in his wedding to Kate Middleton

Web Desk

Prince Harry admits Prince William was not doing well emotionally on the day of his wedding.

Writing in his memoir, the Duke of Sussex recalls his elder brother was frustrated with lack of inclusion in the preparations and decision making.

He writes: “I was shocked, when I went to collect him in the morning and he looked as if he hadn’t slept a wink. His face was gaunt, his eyes red. You OK? Yeah, yeah, fine. But he wasn’t. He was wearing the bright red uniform of the Irish Guards, not his Household Cavalry frock coat uniform. I wondered if that was the matter.

Harry then added how William was upset over not having a say in what he would wear on his wedding day.

“He’d asked Granny if he could wear his Household Cavalry kit and she’d turned him down. As the Heir, he must wear the Number One Ceremonial, she decreed. Willy was glum at having so little say in what he wore to get married, at having his autonomy taken from him on such an occasion. He’d told me several times that he felt frustrated,” Harry noted.