'Gossip Girl' star Taylor Momsen earns 'bat girl' title after stage mishap

Taylor Momsen got bitten by a bat during her performance with her band

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Gossip Girl star Taylor Momsen earns bat girl title after stage mishap
'Gossip Girl' star Taylor Momsen earns 'bat girl' title after stage mishap

Gossip Girl star Taylor Momsen recently got bitten by a bat during her performance with her band The Pretty Reckless in Spain.

While Momsen was performing Witches Burn with her band, a bat landed on her leg and bit her.

Fans were quick to notice the unexpected guest and alerted the stage crew as Momsen remained composed, calling for assistance over the microphone.

"There's a [expletive] flying bat on my leg right now, can someone help me please?" she said.

The incident prompted laughter and jokes from the singer, who humorously dubbed herself 'Bat Girl' after the incident.

She hilariously added, "I must really be a witch! Gracias. It's alright and the bat is fine. He's going to be my new friend."

Gossip Girl star Taylor Momsen earns bat girl title after stage mishap
Taylor Momsen got bitten by a bat during her performance with her band

Despite the unexpected interruption, Momsen continued with her performance.

Following the show, she shared the incident on Instagram, adding, "he was cute, but yes he bit me…so rabies shots for the next two weeks."