Canadian traveler Rosie Gabrielle converts to Islam

Gabrielle, who travels to different countries around the globe on a bike, converted to Islam shortly after touring Pakistan

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Canadian  traveler Rosie Gabrielle, who spent an ample amount of time in Pakistan last month, announced she had converted to Islam. 

The solo traveler, who has toured various Muslim countries around the world on a bike, shared her experiences that brought her close to Islam. 

"This last year was one of the hardest in my life, and all life’s challenges have led me to this point here and now. From a young child, I’ve always had a unique connection with creation and special relationship to God. My path was far from easy and I carried a lot of anger in my heart from a lifetime of pain, always begging God, why me? Until ultimately coming to the conclusion that all is meant to be, and even my suffering is a gift," she wrote in the caption of her photo in which she can be seen holding a copy of the Holy Quran.

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I CONVERTED to ISLAM️ . What lead me to this Big decision? . As I mentioned previously, this last year was one of the hardest in my life, and all life’s challenges have led me to this point here and now. From a young child, I’ve always had a unique connection with creation and special relationship to God. My path was far from easy and I carried a lot of anger in my heart from a lifetime of pain, always begging God, why me? Until ultimately coming to the conclusion that all is meant to be, and even my suffering is a gift. . Never resonating with what I was brought up with, I denounced my religion 4 years ago, going down a deep path of spiritual discovery.Exploration of self, and the great Divine. I never let go the sight of the Creator, in fact, my curiosity and connection only grew stronger. Now no longer dictated by fear, I was able to fully explore this righteous path. . As time passed, the more I experienced, the more I witnessed the true nature and calling for my life. I wanted to be free. Free of the pain and shackles that was hell. Liberation from the anger, hurt and misalignment. I wanted peace in my heart, forgiveness and the most profound connection with all. And thus started my journey. . The universe brought me to Pakistan, not only to challenge myself to let go of the last remaining traces of pain and ego, but also to show me the way. . Through kindness,& humbled grace of the people I met along my pilgrimage, inspired my heart to seek further. Living in a Muslim country for 10 + years and traveling extensively through these regions, I observed one thing; Peace. A kind of peace that one can only dream of having in their hearts. . Unfortunately Islam is one of the most misinterpreted and criticized religions world wide. And like all religions, there are many interpretations. But, the core of it, the true meaning of Islam, is PEACE, LOVE & ONENESS. It’s not a religion, but a way of life. The life of humanity, humility and Love. . For me, I was already technically a “Muslim”. My Shahada was basically a re-dedication of my life to the path of Oneness, connection and Peace through the devotion of God. If you have any Q’s comment below

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Gabrielle said she renounced her religion four years ago as she "never resonated with what I was brought up with". The traveler said she went down a path of self-discovery after which her curiosity and connection only grew stronger. 

"Now no longer dictated by fear, I was able to fully explore this righteous path," she wrote. 

Describing her strong urge to be free,  Gabrielle stated, "As time passed, the more I experienced, the more I witnessed the true nature and calling for my life. I wanted to be free. Free of the pain and shackles that was hell. Liberation from the anger, hurt and misalignment. I wanted peace in my heart, forgiveness and the most profound connection with all. And thus started my journey". 

Gabrielle credited her trip to Pakistan for showing her the way to Islam. 

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100 k !!! At the beginning of 2019 I said, by the end of the year, I want to reach 100k. . This social media journey has been a wild and crazy ride. If you had told me 5 years ago that I would be doing this now, I never would have believed it. I was completely anti-social media and I had a massive fear of speaking in front of the camera. . So, how did I get here ? . Fast forward a couple years later, I hit absolute rock bottom. A broken heart lead to the deterioration of what was left of my health, which then left me panic stricken riddled with anxiety, and on the verge of suicide. I was FINISHED. . Until the news came that one of my close friends had passed away in a car accident, his young life taken so soon. I had read through our messages over the years and each year I said the same thing “I’m not happy with what I’m doing, I want to travel the world by Motorcycle!” . Umm hello?! Why did I not listen to myself? . His sudden passing made me question; have I done everything I’ve wanted to do in life? if I died tomorrow would I be fulfilled? HECK NO ! . Despite my ill health I made a choice right then and there.I was going to travel all over the world by motorcycle! I didn’t know how or what that looked like, but I just knew I would. I also felt I saw the world differently, that I could inspire others and share with them my perspective of life. So that’s when I decided to start a YouTube and social media channel. I knew nothing about making or editing videos, I had a huge fear of writing, and speaking in front of the camera. I remained this way for the first year and a half of my travels. But these small details didn’t stand in my way or discourage me, I kept pushing. I had one goal- I want to inspire millions! . And so the journey started. It’s been a very long hard 3 years, and I can say I work harder now than I ever did in a full time job- and i don’t reap the monetary benefits. But the rewards are so much more than a dollar value. I’m living the life I dreamed and manifested into reality from nothing, and I’m making a difference. Although small right now- I have big hopes for big things!! . DREAM big my friends and never give up ️

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"The universe brought me to Pakistan, not only to challenge myself to let go of the last remaining traces of pain and ego, but also to show me the way," she wrote. "Through kindness,& humbled grace of the people I met along my pilgrimage, inspired my heart to seek further. Living in a Muslim country for 10 plus years and traveling extensively through these regions, I observed one thing; peace. A kind of peace that one can only dream of having in their hearts."

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MERRY CHRISTMAS ! Being away from home during the holidays has always been difficult. I’ve spent one Christmas home in the past 13 years! And although I still participate in the festivities wherever I may find myself, it’s not the same. For me, the thing that makes Christmas, is my Mom. . Growing up, it was mainly just the two of us. My Mom was not only my Mother, but my sister, and my best friend. As a single parent with no family support, we didn’t have a lot. But we had more than material goods, and fancy things, we had Love. Working multiple jobs and balancing a sick child, she always made sure I had the best Christmas no matter what. . We would hand make all of the tree ornaments together, and decorate while listening to classic festive tunes. I always had the official job of putting the angel on top of the tree. Our house would be cozy and warm filled with scrumptious aromas from the fire and moms special Christmas baking. . I would save all of my pennies to buy her special gifts and fill her stocking. . On the night of Christmas Eve it was custom to leave out milk and cookies for old Saint Nick, as I would intently watch through the window waiting to spot Rudolf’s red nose. Before sleeping I would steal moms stocking from the mantle and fill it with all the goodies, quietly returning it before morning. Excitement grew and it was always hard to sleep. If you know me well, I am not a morning person- except for Christmas Day, I was always the first one up! . Milk gone and nothing but crumbs left and a pile of presents under the tree- Santa’s been here! . We would spend the early morning enjoying hot cocoa and opening our gifts together and the later half of the day feasting on food and gathering with the family. . Today is always tough not getting to spend it with the Maj, Christmas is just not the same This is one of the many sacrifices it takes to have a travel lifestyle like I do. . Wishing you all a Merry Christmas, happy holidays, warm blessings, and much Love ️

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She said Islam was one of the most misinterpreted and criticised religions in the world and there were many interpretations of it. However, at the core of it, Islam meant peace and love. 

"The true meaning of Islam, is PEACE, LOVE & ONENESS. It’s not a religion, but a way of life. The life of humanity, humility and Love. For me, I was already technically a “Muslim”. My Shahada was basically a re-dedication of my life to the path of Oneness, connection and Peace through the devotion of God," she wrote. 

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Pakistan named TOP holiday DESTINATION for TRAVELERS FOR 2020 by @cntraveler !!!!!!! . . And I couldn’t agree more! Although I’m pleased to be amongst the many who have come in the last years to help change the perception of this country, my aim was never to improve tourism. I was pro humanity and was dedicated to showcasing the real heart of the people- this was my mission. . Earlier this year I got to meet the legend himself - Sir @imrankhan.pti ! Pakistan’s Prime-Minister. And I must commend him on his efforts, leadership and wellbeing he seeks for his Country. I think he said it best When he stated that the vision for his country was not to become another “Kathmandu”, full of major tour buses, massive hotels and mass tourism. He said the most important thing about Pakistan, and is the real gem of this country, is the people. And mass tourism will tarnish that. . If Pakistan is going to have a mass influx of tourism, it needs to start practicing responsible tourism and get a better handle on things. . I was devastated to see the state of Naran, the chaotic unstructured infestation of random hotels, garbage, and Hunza isn’t far from it. The land is showing severe signs of global warming with glaciers melting at record speed, and don’t even get me started on the zoo that Kalash has become. If Pakistan is opening it’s doors for the masses, it needs to do it the right way, or it will lose the very essence that makes PAKISTAN extra special- the people and beautiful land. . Don’t get me wrong- I completely agree that this country is the TOP place to visit- and you will see in my coming vlogs, you won’t even believe your eyes the beauty here! however, some things need to be adjusted in order for this to be a success without completely running this place to the ground or being a disaster. In my opinion Pakistan is not ready for this kind of tourism for many reasons. It lacks the simple standards for this type of operation and is only really accessible to more “experienced travelers” rather than the “relaxed holiday” type. . remote and tripod Location- one of the most Epic places I got to experience all to my self - DEOSAI

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Before I came to Pakistan, I had one goal in mind. To ride a Motorcycle solo across the entire country! . At this time I didn’t know a lot about Pakistan. In fact, I knew nothing. Geography, landscapes,weather, culture- not even if it was logistically possible to do a trip like this. And the only thing I was fed by media and my own government’s travel advisory was, that it wasn’t a safe or a stable place to visit. . I only ever take the advice of other travelers who have actually been to a place and can tell me first hand how it is. And every traveler told me how amazing the Pakistani people were. So, I had to find out for myself. . It’s kind of the way I do everything in life. I have an idea, and I go for it- I may not know exactly how I will do it, but I just do it, and nothing gets in my way! . The journey wasn’t smooth, and it certainly wasn’t easy, nearly breaking me many times. But my strong will gets the best of me and it’s what pulled me through. Getting to Gwadar was one accomplishment, reaching Khunjerav was another, but it was all the moments off the beaten track that really made the journey. 10 months, 10,000 km and 4 regions across Pakistan (hoping to complete 5 by the end *Kashmir) I can easily say that, without a doubt, Pakistan is truly a GEM of a country and the people are the precious treasures which shine so bright and are awaiting to be discovered. . Go on an adventure, discover the unknown, travel deep to the depths of your own soul, challenge life and what you were told you CANT do and all the limiting programs that were enslaved in you. Break free from the shackles that hold you down, and go full force towards your dreams. Because anything is possible, and you never know what awaits you on the other side. Be blessed

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