The time Princess Diana ate only salmon for weeks, reveals chef

Her last chef shares the hilarious story about Princess Diana having to eat the dish continuously

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Princess Diana’s innocent revelation, at a charity, that she enjoys poached salmon came to bite her in the back.

According to her last chef Darren McGrady, those that were planning to host Diana in the following weeks took note of the revelation and served her just that, leaving her frustrated as she had the meal continuously.

"About four weeks later, the princess came into the kitchen and she said, ‘Darren, I’m starving. What’s for lunch?’" he told Us Weekly .

"And I said, ‘Lunch is almost ready.’ She said, ‘Oh, please tell me it’s not poached salmon. What is it right now? Everywhere you go, everyone serving poached salmon!’"

"And I suddenly thought, ‘Oh my gosh, they’re telling everyone poached salmon.’ As soon as she’d gone, I called the kitchen and said, ‘She loves chicken, grilled chicken!'"