Queen given fake hand to help with 'hours of' waving crowds: 'What I’ve always wanted!'

Queen Elizabeth II was given a surprising gift by a royal admirer

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Queen Elizabeth II has been the head of Britain for 17 long years and over this time, she has attended multiple private and public royal engagements.

A gesture she is always expected to make is a lively and welcoming hand wave to whoever she meets. During hours of being with crowds, Your Highness never loses the patience to constantly display her regal wave.

Feeling the ordeal, a student decided to give the monarch a fake hand as a replacement for the times she gets tired. The incident was narrated by Queen daughter Princess Anne in 1980.

Speaking on Parkinson, Anne shared that the gift was extended during the 95-year-old's Royal Tour of Australia in 1970.

She said: "There were still one or two sort of noisy students about in those days – the end of the Sixties, you know. There was this slightly noisy group on arrival, and we thought what are they up to.

"And three of them pushed out of the crowd with this hand and it was a sort of stuffed glove, for want of a better expression, with a joint. And these three presented it to the Queen, I think thinking that they were being really rather daring and rather cheeky.

"And the Queen took it from them and said 'Thank you very much, that is what I’ve always wanted!' And their faces literally dropped because this wasn’t quite the reaction they’d expected!"

When asked where is the hand now, Princess Royal shared: "We've never seen it again. So if they're watching perhaps they'll make us another one."