Prince Harry ‘demoralised’ after Megxit left him with no royal titles

Prince Harry was left deeply depressed over losing his royal and military titles after Megxit

Web Desk

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Prince Harry was left deeply depressed over losing his royal and military titles to his departure from the royal family in 2020; an event that was titled Megxit.

The Daily Star shared excerpts from Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durand’s Finding Freedom, in which the royal authors and biographers dished out details about Prince Harry and Meghan in the aftermath of Megxit.

In the book, Scobie and Durand wrote: “If his grandmother’s validation of his experiences served as encouragement, the most demoralising aspect of the new deal was his being stripped of his honorary military appointments that had been awarded to him as a senior royal.”

The book further read: “As a retired serviceman, Harry would always be able to wear his medals, but no longer could he wear uniform as Captain General of the Royal Marines, Honorary Air Force Commandant of the Royal Air Force Bas Honington, and honorary Commodore-in-Chief of the Royal Navy’s Small Ships and Diving Operations. These roles had come to an end.”

Scobie and Durand further quoted royal sources as saying that giving up his royal titles and honours, especially military ones, was hard for Prince Harry.

One source reportedly said: “That’s been a tough pill to swallow, and the one that has been most painful to Meghan to witness him go through. It’s the one that made Harry emotional.”

Both Prince Harry and Meghan returned to the UK with their children, Archie and Lilibet, last week for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, however, were avoided by a majority of the royal family members.