Meghan Markle plays 'rock' for Prince Harry with THIS hand gesture: Expert

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry lovable body language laid bare

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Meghan Markle plays rock for Prince Harry with THIS hand gesture: Expert
Meghan Markle plays 'rock' for Prince Harry with THIS hand gesture: Expert

Meghan Markle stands tall for Prince Harry in times of need, notes body language expert.

Speaking to Mirror Online in a recent interview, Darren Stanton revealed how confident and tenacious Duchess of Sussex helps her husband when he needs reassurance.

"Right from the outset, Meghan was a very strong and confident person.

"Perhaps, this was due to her tenacious nature and the motivation she has had to have become a star in her own right in the world of acting - a career that takes a lot of determination and passion, traits she has shown to have intrinsically.

"It’s clear from Meghan’s body language that she loves Harry very much.

"She very much plays the role of his biggest supporter in their relationship, with Meghan on hand to boost Harry’s confidence in situations where he isn’t feeling as self-assured.

"Over the years we’ve seen many tell-tale gestures of Meghan helping Harry to feel at ease, like her touching his elbow when they’re out at engagements or holding his hand or arm to give reassurance.

"Another way Meghan shows Harry she is on hand to support him is by subtly placing her hand on his back - both a protective and comforting gesture.

"There’s no denying that Harry sees Meghan as his rock and while she was previously used to being the centre of attention, she is more than content letting Harry take centre stage."